The Colorado Avalanche’s ice is set down at Ball Arena in preparation for the upcoming season, which begins in just two weeks.
The Colorado Avalanche’s season begins on January 13 as they host the St. Louis Blues at Ball Arena. Their training camp officially opens January 3.
One of the most exciting times in September is when the arena puts down the hockey ice. After a long summer of no hockey games — and an August of no hockey news even — the laying down of the ice is the first indication that hockey is, indeed, coming soon.
Well, this September, the arena did not lay down any hockey ice. There was no upcoming season at that time. Or, rather, we didn’t know when the season could begin.
Last week, the NHL gave us an early Christmas present when they announced the 2021 season would begin in January. We wouldn’t have a full season — only 56 games with no preseason contests. And many arenas, Ball included, would have no fans in the seats to begin with.
But we would have hockey. And that’s what matters.
So, in preparation for the new season, the arena has put down the ice.
Putting down the ice in a rink is a laborious and involved process, but the crew at Ball Arena have it down pat from their Pepsi Center days — you know, a couple months ago.
You love to see it.
Meanwhile, once the ice is set, the crews also have to mark out the lines.
Add in those red and blue lines.#GoAvsGo
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) December 30, 2020
To be honest, I didn’t realize the crews used red and blue yarn for the lines. It makes sense, though.
I did know that they paint in the lines.
Here we go!#GoAvsGo
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) December 30, 2020
I find it interesting, though, that they don’t just have strips they can lay down. You’d think they’d have invented something by now — like plastic or vinyl.
One of the traditions the Colorado Avalanche have always had is to let season ticket holders and a few other fans come and help paint the ice. As part of the deal, they get to put messages that will go under the logo. However, in the COVID world, many traditions have had to be adapted. Rather than just omit the tradition, the team did, indeed, adapt it.
As the season approaches, we typically get the opportunity to have Avs fans and other stakeholders come help us paint the ice.
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) December 30, 2020
This year is a little different, but leave a message for the team here!#25DaysOfAvs #GoAvsGo
That’s one of the big hearts of our team, Matt Calvert, and his son.
I really like the tradition of letting fans put messages for the team on the ice.
In the end, the ice is down with the best logo in the world on its surface — the Avs logo.
Just watch this and tell us you aren’t immediately relaxed. #GoAvsGo
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) December 31, 2020
It is, indeed, relaxing — though I hope none of the opponents find it too relaxing!
Here is the final product:
It is, indeed, pretty. And, as you see, this weird season is nonetheless special for us here in Avs Nation — it marks the 25th anniversary of when the team came from Quebec to Denver.
The Colorado Avalanche will be starting their season soon in which they face only the same seven opponents. Like I said, it will be a weird one. But it’s Avs hockey, and that’s what we all need right now.
*Ball Corporation manufacturers cans, so there’s no reason we can’t still call the arena The Can.