Ahead of his first full season with the Colorado Avalanche, Cale Makar represented the team at NHL Media Day.
Cale Makar clearly isn’t the sort of person to ease himself into situations gradually. Last season he signed a contract with the Colorado Avalanche during the team’s playoff run and jumped straight in, joining the them for the third game of the first round and scoring a goal in his first game.
Now, ahead of his first full season with the team, Makar was selected to represent the Avalanche at the NHL media day. This was an opportunity to allow his personality to shine, and give fans a small taste of what sort of person he is off the ice.
First up it was time for some photos. Makar wore his best suit, which is the same one he wore during the playoff games of the previous season.
This is like the first day of school, but WAY, WAY BETTER.#GoAvsGo pic.twitter.com/R7r1CliKAL
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) September 5, 2019
After Gabriel Landeskog had to teach Mikko Rantanen how to tie a tie a couple of years back, Landeskog may need to work his magic on Makar too. Luckily he wasn’t needed this time.
Good news: these ties are pre-tied.
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) September 5, 2019
Also, in case you were wondering: yes, that’s the same navy suit he wore throughout playoffs. #GoAvsGo https://t.co/WFHYbvOcfb
Possibly one of the standout moments of Makar’s time at Media Day was his answer to this question. Obviously he hasn’t gone wild with his first NHL salary, which I think says a lot about him as a person.
I've been asking NHL players what their biggest impulse purchase has been over the last 12 months. Colorado Avalanche rookie Cale Makar's answer was so pure.
— Emily Kaplan (@emilymkaplan) September 5, 2019
"Umm.. the other day I was driving and I stopped to buy myself a slurpee. I wouldn't usually do that, but I did."
The Avalanche social media team introduced us to Cale Cam. I suspect this isn’t the last we’ll be seeing of this feature.
Allow us to introduce: #CaleCam!#GoAvsGo https://t.co/4kcgonjc3A
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) September 5, 2019
Oh yeah, we’re all about that #CaleCam.
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) September 5, 2019
Should we make it a season-long series!? 🤞🤞 #GoAvsGo pic.twitter.com/BtxRIJDtXh
Makar is clearly a quick learner. It’s running joke on Avs social media features that Gabriel Landeskog’s hair is magnificent and must be talked about regularly.
The Avalanche already have one singing defenseman with Sam Girard. Another one can be added to the list now. I suspect we will see this in context around the holidays. Makar clearly has no qualms about performing for the camera which I think is going to provide us with some excellent social media during the hockey season.
Okay, we can stop tweeting now. This is it. It won’t get any better.#GoAvsGo https://t.co/13j7QcMVp1
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) September 5, 2019
He’s clearly got a good sense of humor too.
Editor’s note: I would pay cash money to hear him and Sam Girard do a duet.
Every time someone asks Cale about his favorite goal song, the toughest hitter, etc. he replies:
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) September 5, 2019
“You mean out of the two teams I’ve played against?”#GoAvsGo pic.twitter.com/iVacA2uXuf
Paul Bissonette (BizNasty) is a bit of a character and has a reputation for his wild adventures and stories. Luckily Cale appears to have made it out of this interview unscathed.
Hey @BizNasty2point0, please don’t corrupt our Cale...#GoAvsGo pic.twitter.com/s61LI9ByfP
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) September 5, 2019
The word pure is being used to describe Makar a lot. Partially due to his age compared to the other representatives for the various NHL teams, and partially because he just exudes fresh-faced innocence.
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) September 5, 2019
Perfect. #GoAvsGo pic.twitter.com/pmjMYOkzNW
Sometimes no context is needed.
We would like to present you with these photos with absolutely zero context.
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) September 5, 2019
None is needed.
Just enjoy.#GoAvsGo pic.twitter.com/UB1XV42EUF
It’s really fun seeing behind the scenes of features being recorded. I’m sure it will look cooler later…
Getting some early practice for his goal celebrations, of which I’m sure there will be many.
Makar rolled with pretty much everything that was thrown at him during media day, but he looks genuinely confused here and it’s kind of adorable.
Cale had absolutely no idea what he was walking into and it was hilarious.
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) September 6, 2019
Way to go, @Jeremy_Roenick 🤣#GoAvsGo https://t.co/p9Pv9MvKhv
And, of course, no media day would be complete without a pun on his name.
A healthy dose of #CaleCam today 👀#GoAvsGo https://t.co/gdnTKapUvh
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) September 6, 2019
You already KNOW.#GoAvsGo pic.twitter.com/spDanwdKV0
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) September 6, 2019
This is, most definitely, what #content dreams are made of.#GoAvsGo https://t.co/3UIGuEwcrH
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) September 6, 2019
So Cale was REALLY good at this cooking show, which he named Cale’s Corner.
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) September 6, 2019
We definitely think he has a smoothie cooking show + recipe book in his future... 🤔#GoAvsGo pic.twitter.com/80M3fab939
And, with that, media day was over. Welcome to the NHL, Cale.
— Colorado Avalanche (@Avalanche) September 6, 2019
Cale Makar has officially completed the crazy two days of NHL Media.
Welcome to the league, hey?#GoAvsGo pic.twitter.com/jdOYmGxJeJ
You can see Cale Makar on the ice during Colorado Avalanches training camp which begins on Sept 13 at 8:15am MT.