Colorado Avalanche Hit the Christmas Break


The Colorado Avalanche are heading into the holidays with a pretty bad loss. Nonetheless, they have reasons to be happy. Here’s your game recap.

Well, Semyon Varlamov came into the game on a six game win streak — the 4th of his career — yet he he was not able to reach a career high of seven in a row.

Once again, it was a good game going into the third period — tied 3-3 — but the Avs gave up 4 goals in the final frame, and ended up losing the game 7-4.

First Period

The first period was up and down for the Colorado Avalanche. They started off real well with an early goal by Jack Skille. A great pass from Cody McLeod made a relatively easy tally for Mr. Skilles.

Yet, the situation changed near the end of the period when the Maple Leafs scored two late power-play goals.

Second Period

The game was a fun one to watch during the second period. The Avs started with another early period goal from John Mitchell on a great pass from Alex Tanguay, which proved an easy finish for Mitchy.

However, the Leafs got another power-play midway through the period and they were able to capitalize again, making the score 3-2.

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Fortunately, the Colorado Avalanche showed some grit after the power-play goal. They scored a goal of there own on the power-play to tie it up late in the period on a tally from Erik Johnson.

Third Period

Here’s what I have to say about the third period…. yeah not much as I’m sure the rest of you know. Maybe they were good goals, but the Avs still gave up 3 with a goalie in net, and another with the posts blank in-between.

It was a bad period, and Varlamov seems incapable of winning seven straight, like some sort of mine field primed for the trap.

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The scored ended 7-4 for the Avalanche, and the Avalanche end the regular season 1/8 on the penalty kill against the Leafs. which is a travesty comparable to a Christmas tree aflame in July.

Some Good Vibes

Let’s give some love to Jack Skille, he provided the early lead, and gave the team another late goal  in the third to prove that he’s the man.

Even though Varly let in 6 goals tonight — which matched his total in the 6 games he played before this game — I’m not worried about his compete. Expect a bounce back against the Coyotes on the 27th fans.

The Avs unfortunately won’t head into the break 3 points behind the Preds anymore. They’ll be five points back from the Preds, but they’ve only played them once this season so there’s plenty of ground to gain.

More From Mile High Sticking: Going Into the Break: Contenders or Pretenders?

Christmas is a good thing my Avalanche friends. Let’s get happy for sharing family fun time, and a good break for our Avs. Hopefully they come out of this break like marathon runners resistant to the holiday food craze. Cheers Avs, and cheers holidays.

Now, if you guys are bored with the holidays during the Christmas break, check out my series that will feature every day this week while the Avalanche are on break.

I will be looking at specific mid-year grades of players, and what New Year’s resolutions they can enact for a happy start to 2016.

Don’t be shy because Santa is nigh, and the reindeer will be dropping sly packages of reasons to ask why. I’m a writer, but I’ve never been good at rhyming, so maybe you fans can do better than me.

Next: What to Expect After Break

Another challenge, write me some poems in the comment section over the Christmas break (holiday hockey poems), and the best ones will be featured at the end of my posts each day this week.

To all the faithful readers on this site, I wish you guys a happy holiday with your families, join along with the lack of hockey because your writers are dedicated to the readership your provide.